The 250W BAFANG motor and professional Shimano 8-speed rear gear configured in this electric bike allow me to easily reach the maximum speed of 25+MPH, which is more labor-saving and safer.
The bike received was very well packaged and undamaged! Just finished assembling it and took it around for a spin. I have to say that this bike exceeded my expectations in most ways.
The bike makes a good qualitative impression. The battery delivers what it promises and the driving assistance is really good. The battery looks very good with the overall picture and is discreet. I am fully satisfied. Would buy this bike again anytime.
The pedals are some type of plastic or resin. I actually really like this fact because most metal pedals end up scratching my legs, but these are pretty smooth and light.
I really like the aluminum frame, very lightness. The seamless welding makes the bike look more beautiful and atmospheric. The tires are really nice as well. the large tires absorb a lot of the impact when riding,very comfortable to ride.
Altogether, I am pretty happy with this bike.